Sunshine State Steak Cook-Off
The annual Sunshine State Cook-Off will be held Saturday, Feb. 25 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Oil Well Craft Beer.
Admission tickets are $30, with event proceeds benefitting the Ave Maria Veterans Association.
Ticket includes:
- 16 oz boneless ribeye steak, potato salad, a water bottle and roll. (PLUS Bagged utensils, plates, napkins, and condiments).
- Drinks may be purchased for an additional cost at Oil Well Craft Beer. No outside alcohol will be permitted at the event.
Email matt@oilwellcraftbeer.com for event sponsorship opportunities!
Sponsorship Levels for the 2023 Sunshine State Steak Cook-Off:
Small logo on flyer
Tax deduction letter
Facebook mention
Medium Logo on flyer
Tax deduction letter
2 Facebook mention
Large Logo on Flyer
2 tickets
Shout out with event DJ
3 Facebook mentions